Below is a listing of the ministries that we offer at FUMC Bastrop. We want you to feel as comfortable as possible when joining one of our programs. We believe that engaging in fellowship is important, and encouraging someone can be powerful in their life.
Community Concerns-Nursing Home Visits
Sunshine Respite Program
Bastrop Food Pantry
Methodist Healthcare Ministries - Wesley Nurse
Local and Global Missions
Alcoholics Anonymous
Celebrate Recovery
Soup Kitchen
Bible Study Groups
United Methodist Women-Busy Hands for Christ
Click above for more information
Click above for more information
Women's Christian Fellowship Circle
Exercise Groups
Other Ways to Serve
If you are looking for a way to serve, no need to look any further. We have areas that everyone, from all walks of life, can fill. If you see an area that has a need and you have a special talent for that area; let us know by filling out the contact us form. We are open to all suggestions.
Lawn Care and Building Maintenance Around the Church
Greeters at the Doors Before Services
Working in the Nursery
Sing in the Choir or Play and Instrument